Download, or include the library[email protected]/muds-spectral.min.css
<style> html, body { background: linear-gradient(to right, #93F9B9, #1D976C) !important; } </style> <!-- Include the MUDS stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/muds.min.css"> <!-- Include the royal theme stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/muds-spectral.min.css"> <!-- Create the editor container --> <textarea id="editor"></textarea> <!-- Include the MUDS library --> <script src="[email protected]/muds.min.js"></script> <!-- Initialize MUDS editor --> <script> var muds = new muds({ selector: 'editor', theme: 'spectral' }); </script>
Download, or include the library[email protected]/muds-darkmoon.min.css
<!-- Include the MUDS stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/muds.min.css"> <!-- Include the royal theme stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/muds-darkmoon.min.css"> <!-- Create the editor container --> <textarea id="editor"></textarea> <!-- Include the MUDS library --> <script src="[email protected]/muds.min.js"></script> <!-- Initialize MUDS editor --> <script> var muds = new muds({ selector: 'editor', theme: 'darkmoon' }); </script>
Download, or include the library[email protected]/muds-royal.min.css
<!-- Include the MUDS stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/muds.min.css"> <!-- Include the royal theme stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/muds-royal.min.css"> <!-- Create the editor container --> <textarea id="editor"></textarea> <!-- Include the MUDS library --> <script src="[email protected]/muds.min.js"></script> <!-- Initialize MUDS editor --> <script> var muds = new muds({ selector: 'editor', theme: 'royal' }); </script>
Download, or include the library[email protected]/muds-markee.min.css
<!-- Include the MUDS stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/muds.min.css"> <!-- Include the royal theme stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/muds-markee.min.css"> <!-- Create the editor container --> <textarea id="editor"></textarea> <!-- Include the MUDS library --> <script src="[email protected]/muds.min.js"></script> <!-- Initialize MUDS editor --> <script> var muds = new muds({ selector: 'editor', theme: 'markee' }); </script>